How We Give Back
Volunteer Hours
Money Donated
Products Donated
As promised in our Mission Statement a portion of each sale goes directly toward donations. Here you will find Events, Charities and Injured Skydivers where donation money has been sent! If there is someone who you know that could benefit from donation merchandise email and we will contact you for further information.

Beginning in 2018 we have decided to donate monthly to charity:water. We will continue to donate to a variety of charities, events and individuals but when we came across this charity we felt compelled to give monthly and you can see why!
This is charity is very unique because 100% of public donations funds clean water projects! They have private donors cover their operating costs just so that 100% of your donation will bring clean water to people in need. Over 1 million supporters worldwide have given over $250 million dollars and provided 7.3 million people with clean water. But there’s a long way to go. 663 million people still lack access to life’s most basic need which is why we felt we could help make a difference at

Many of you know Marc and Shalee Hobbs as “The Hobbits.” Not only because of their size but more importantly because of their kind nature and generosity to everyone they meet.
The Hobbits main source of income is construction and being injured during the most important time of the year for up to two months had everyone asking what they could do to help. So, as Dropzone Threads has done before we are creating a t-shirt, long sleeve and hoodie options for sale. This way you can physically show your love and support for such an awesome guy while 100% of the proceeds from each sale will get donated directly to Marc.
The Hobbs want to pay it forward and therefore any proceeds from a Hobbit purchase made after 2016 will be donated.

Kelsey Mizeur was injured during the February 2-3, 2013 Florida Canopy Piloting Association (FLCPA) Swooping Competition. He sustained a burst fracture in his back and as well as his wrist. His injuries required major surgery. We are happy to report his surgery was a success!
He is making amazing progress every day and will be back to full function soon!
100% of the proceeds of all the MIZEUR merchandise was directly donated to Kelsey. Thank you to everyone who sent messages, bought shirts and donated money.